Thursday, February 15, 2007

Open House

Well here we are!!! I would have posted earlier but I have been trying to recover from the Hearts for Hearing Open House. We had a wonderful turnout -- everyone who came was wonderfully enthusiastic and complimentary of the whole team. Here are the standout memories for me and definitely not all inclusive:
  • Darcy, thank God, had everything organized, assigned tasks and, even more importantly, was greatly encouraging during the whole day. I even stopped her in the middle of the madness and asked her to rearrange the door prizes on my therapy table. Thank you Darcy!
  • Teresa admitted early in the day she had promised herself not to obsess too much over details! There was absolutely no obsessing noted during the entire experience!
  • Joanna and Teresa --- along with the rest of us --- have anything anyone would ever need to entertain or host.
  • We are so fortunate to have such kind and interested family and friends. Everyone's generous compliments and support are wonderfully reinforcing through this whole process!
  • Every single person on this team brings so much to the table! Each individual brings a unique perspective to the process of serving people with hearing loss.
  • Next open house, we will wear tennis shoes all day and then change into heels right before!! Great idea Ladies!
  • Oh and one more thing --- thank you Jace for placing the signs outside (so our hari wouldn't be too blown!) and thank you Jace for moving all of the stuff we ask you to move!!

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