Friday, September 21, 2007

Banned Books Week

Because I love to randomly look at blogs --- I will just click the "Next Blog" and see where it takes me --- I found a random blog which referred to the week of September 29th through October 6th as Banned Book Week and sent me here . This then led me to the top 100 books for a couple of different timelines. I was terribly shocked to discover several favorites such as To Kill A Mockingbird and A Wrinkle in Time and The Outsiders and Flowers for Algernon and Slaughterhouse Five and . . . . . on and on. Another problem with banning books is books that are poorly written are put on a list and then people read them for the sake of reading a banned book. I would rather not read than read another book by Judy Blume or Jean Auel. If you were going to challenge books wouldn't you want it to at least appear you cared to read something that is well written? This must be why "A Prayer for Owen Meany" did not make the banned list.

In celebration of the upcoming Banned Books Week I will reread Owen Meany. Owen's best friend John lived and complained through the Reagan years and this may help with the Bush years. (sigh)

Thanks to Patrick for taking a picture of my favorite book that is so terribly worn --- Being a Garp Fan I bought this first edition the very day it came out.

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