Saturday, September 8, 2007

Saturday Morning

The weekend football madness has settled in here in the midwest. All plans are worked around the complicated game schedules --- which are as nebulous as the game itself. While growing up, a million years ago, I don't remember my father watching any sports. The TV viewing was quite limited due to black and white TVs along with his increased anxiety over numerous subjects --- including his children.

But back to football, my husband along with our two sons and my son-in-law are rabid. The sport is surrounded with traditions of Sports Talk Radio, hanging with 'guys', channel changes or better yet hanging in a sports bar eating and drinking beer with many of the 'guys'. Of course all of this comes second to attending the game itself.

So welcome fall, welcome football, and welcome vacation time --- 8 more weeks!

1 comment:

Patrick said...

Paul, Ben, Tim and I all really wanted to shopping for some nice dress boots. Tami, Erin and Maggie did not even make one offer to take us to the mall, so we pouted and watched football instead.